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Do you know how to clean a professional earphone cover?

Release source:  Release date: 2020-04-21

Professional earphone sets must know what it is? The main purpose is a professional earphone cover that puts the earphones inside for storage when going out, but it may need to be cleaned after a long period of use. Today I will introduce the cleaning method of this professional earphone cover!


1. In the case where the professional earphone cover will be covered with a small amount of dust after going out, you can simply rinse it with clean water to remove the dust.

2. When the professional earphone cover is stained with difficult-to-remove stains, such as lipstick and paintbrush, you can soak it in warm water for a while, and then wipe it with a rag.

3. If it is contaminated with credit oil, industrial oil and other oily substances, you can soak it with a little hot water for a while. The soaking time is determined according to the observation of the volatilization of the oil stain, and then a part of the degreased material can be removed such as washing Jinglai to assist in the operation of degreasing!

4. When the professional earphone cover is inadvertently stained with paint, correction fluid and other difficult-to-remove items, you need to add the corresponding grams, and then use the old toothbrush to clean the brush.

5. After a long period of use, if you are worried about the growth of bacteria, you can use boiling water to clean it or even put it in a sterilization pot for a while! But be careful of burns. After cleaning, you need to put it in the sun to dry it before use to prevent bacteria from growing at this time!

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