High frequency noise reduction protein earmuff device structure:
[1] The high frequency machine mainly adopts single-head pneumatic down-pressure operation, and the table panel is fixed. The operation and use methods are:
The operator presses the start button, the machine head will automatically lower the heat sealing welding, and the welding process is automatically controlled by time.
[2] The high frequency machine mainly uses the cylinder to drive the heating head to press down the principle. The strong type head, the head pressure can be according to the needs
For plastics to be heat-welded and welded, the sealing and packaging of plastic materials requires random adjustment, and is mainly suitable for heat-welded and pasted leather products with hot melt
[3] The head of the high-frequency machine mainly adopts the flat plate mounting mold method, and the mold only needs to be installed and fixed on the flat plate.
Yes, it's simple and convenient. The main point of the flatbed head is that it is aimed at a larger mold area.